How to Grow Your Church with Digital Marketing – 3 Steps to Reach Your Community Online


Throughout the Church’s history, from the Book of Acts to today, there has always been a mission to spread the Gospel. Of course, how we go about that mission has changed and evolved, but the mission will always remain the same. Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” With that mission in front of us, how can we do that in today’s culture? While it’s not all-encompassing, the answer is simple; we must go where people are using digital marketing. 

A recent study shows that a total of 5.16 billion people worldwide use the internet at the start of 2023, equivalent to 64.4% of the world’s total population. With over half of the world’s population on the internet and digital platforms, the Church also needs a strong presence there. 

We want to help with this list of how to grow your church with digital marketing. While the digital world covers a broad range of places and spaces, this article will discuss three steps to reach your community online. 

Social Media Platforms

Social media really entered the scene in its strength in the early 2000s. But, believe it or not, there are young adults today who have never known a life without social media availability. While many of us can recall the days of dial-up internet connections (I can still hear the sounds) or having to be home to make a phone call, our world today is available for social interaction 24/7. We can be reached on our computers and cell phones anytime and anywhere. 

That is where the strength of social media took center stage. It created an online platform for us to connect and get to know each other. So, for example, I can keep up with that high school friend I haven’t talked to in nearly 20 years. While we haven’t spoken, I still know what’s happening in her life. 

So, the power of social media is undeniable in social opportunity, but what about the Church? The options are endless for the Church! First, we need to go to where people are. The latest data reveals that the typical working-age internet user spends more than 2┬╜ hours daily using social platforms. Do the math. They are in your church building probably 1-2 hours per week, but you have the opportunity to reach them on average 2 ┬╜ hours per day on social media

So how do we do that? I’m so glad you asked. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Facebook ads – On Facebook, you can purchase Facebook Ads to help target people in your community and surrounding areas. These could be ads promoting an event happening soon or it could even invite people to your Sunday services. These ads can be targeted by location, age, or other demographic distinctions so you can reach your target churchgoer with ease. 
  2. Facebook Groups – On Facebook, you can use the groups function to gather people to discuss a Bible study, common interest topic, or other relevant things. This could be an excellent way to reach others who are comfortable online but may not be bold enough to walk into your physical location.
  3. Instagram and Facebook posts- Promote events, share recent sermon content, or offer words of encouragement or wisdom. While people need to follow you to see this organically, one of the significant aspects of social media is that it can be shared to expand your reach.
  4. YouTube – The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 shifted many churches to online-only services for months and months. As a result, online church services are now a critical part of your online existence. Your YouTube or service streaming is the new front door. People will watch your services and “attend” online before they visit in person. Some will even continue to attend online only and commit to regular online attendance.

Digital Ads and SEO

You may be asking, “What is SEO?” According to Semrush (a SEO tool), “SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s a set of processes to improve your website’s visibility in search engines (such as Google). All to get more organic traffic.” So what is that in plain terms? SEO is a way to ensure you rank high on Google (and other search engines). 

Have you ever wondered how the church down the street is the first to appear on a Google search? The answer is SEO. 

Digital ads are a way to target specific audiences in your local area. One of the great options for this is Google search ads. You can target these by age, gender, location, and many other things. This is a benefit to your church, because you can reach your target church attender with digital ads in their day-to-day. One excellent resource for this type of digital marketing is Salem Surround. Salem Surround offers and helps with digital marketing, website design and development, local SEO, and social media marketing. 

So, put it all together, and SEO + digital ads = a robust digital marketing presence. 

You will reach more people when you have excellent SEO and show up in search engines. You can expand your reach by creating targeted ads for people in your surrounding communities. What these strategies do is they enter the spaces where your congregation hasn’t or can’t. They don’t know everyone in their workplace or neighborhood, but your digital marketing can reach all those unknown spaces and places. 

Email Communication

Email lists are a great way to reach people. When they hear about you and your Church, they can subscribe to your email list. Then, you can send them event promos, unique service invitations, or regular devotional or sermon content. If they didn’t or don’t attend in-person church, you can still keep them in the know through email communication. 

Where a letter in the mail used to be a very official form of communication, email has now taken its place. Don’t get me wrong, old-fashioned letters are great to receive, but email communication is excellent for both the sender and receiver. It’s quick, efficient, and free (generally). So as you build your digital marketing strategies, do not discredit the value of email communication. 

We realize that much of this may seem overwhelming, but don’t let that hinder you. The benefits of growing your church with digital marketing far outweigh the learning curve or costs. It’s quick, precise, and easy to access in people’s day to day. You don’t have to do all this in one day, either. Start with something you can quickly implement and grow your strategies from there. 

So, as you work to reach the world with the Gospel, keep these digital marketing ideas in mind. You can grow your church with digital marketing as you perform these strategies. These three steps to reaching your community online will help you get people you didn’t know you could reach. If it seems overwhelming, please give it a try, regardless! Your online presence will help people meet Jesus, and you will have so many amazing testimonies to share!

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