The Complete Guide of Social Media Strategies for Churches


According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group in 2020, 84% of churches in the United States reported using social media for ministry purposes. This marks a significant increase from 2016, when only 70% of churches reported using social media. The survey found that Facebook is the most popular social media platform for churches, with 77% of churches reporting that they use Facebook. Instagram and YouTube were the second and third most popular platforms, with 40% and 35% of churches using them, respectively. The use of social media has become increasingly common among churches in recent years, as more churches recognize the importance of using digital tools to connect with their communities and share their message.

The key to unlocking the potential of social media for churches lies in staying focused on your mission, vision, and community-building objectives. LetΓÇÖs look at the building blocks of a social media marketing plan for your church that, results in meaningful connections, increased engagement, and a growing, thriving church community.

Why Social Media Is Important for Your Church

Social media is one of the most helpful resources and important tools for churches to engage with their congregations, reach out to new members, and build a sense of community. LetΓÇÖs take a closer look at a few ways that a church can benefit from using social media.

Social media allows churches to connect with people both locally and globally. If you have a church event coming up, social media can be a great way to share information with a broader audience that would normally not hear of the event without some form of paid advertising such as a billboard or mailing. On a practical level, social media is a great way to promote upcoming church events, such as concerts, Bible studies, and volunteer opportunities. This can help to increase attendance and participation, and create a sense of excitement and anticipation within the community. Congregants who are excited about an event will share your post and help reach more people through word of mouth.

Beyond the local community, posting video or text messages of your church’s teachings can reach a national and even international audience. Social media gives churches a way to communicate without the traditional limitations of paid media. Your church can provide resources and information, such as Bible verses, inspirational quotes, and links to helpful articles or videos. This can be especially helpful for members who are looking for guidance or support.

The online space in social media platforms can help church members stay connected with each other throughout the week, even when they’re not physically together. By sharing updates, photos, and encouraging messages, church leaders can help build a sense of community and belonging. The local church thrives on relationships and engaging with each other online can help extend the Sunday morning feeling throughout the week. ItΓÇÖs one of the easiest ways for church leaders to interact with their congregations and respond to their questions and concerns. This can help to foster a more engaged and active community.

By leveraging the power of social media, churches can create a more engaged and supportive community, and reach more people with their message of love and faith. Social media can be a valuable tool for churches to connect with their members and the wider community, build relationships, and promote their message.

What to Post on Social Media?

The best way to reach a larger audience on social media is with high-quality graphics and content that your audience will want to share, comment, and like. Your posts should always reflect your churchΓÇÖs mission and values.

 The best way to manage social media postings is to create a calendar of the type of content you want to post and begin creating and scheduling in advance! Here are just a few content ideas to get you started:

  • Inspirational Christian quotes
  • Popular Bible verses 
  • Personal testimonies
  • Daily prayers
  • Upcoming events
  • Short video clips from Sunday sermons
  • Daily devotionals
  • Community service project pictures
  • Worship songs
  • Sunday messages notes and Q&A

Short form video has become the most engaging type of content within social media. You can easily create simple short form videos by using stock video and music with text that includes prayers, scriptures, quotes, or sermon audio.

What Social Media Platforms to Use

The social media platforms that churches should use may depend on their target audience and the type of content they want to share. However, some popular social media platforms for churches include:

  1. Facebook: This platform is useful for sharing updates, event details, and live streams of services. Churches can also create groups for members to connect with each other and discuss topics related to their faith.
  2. Instagram: This platform is helpful for sharing visual content, such as photos and short videos. Churches can share images from events, services, and community outreach programs, as well as inspirational quotes and Bible verses.
  3. Twitter: This platform is useful for sharing short, concise updates and quotes. Churches can use it to share thoughts, Bible verses, and announcements about upcoming events.
  4. YouTube: This platform is helpful for sharing longer videos, such as recorded services, sermons, and teachings. Churches can also use it to create instructional videos, such as tutorials on how to read the Bible or how to pray.
  5. TikTok: This platform is popular among younger generations and can be used to share short, engaging videos related to faith and church events. Churches can use it to share fun, inspirational, or educational content that will appeal to younger members.

How Often Should You Post to Social Media?

The frequency of social media posts for your church will depend on your goals and the specific platforms you choose to use. However, here are some general guidelines for how often churches should post on social media:

  • Facebook: It is recommended that churches post on Facebook at least once per day, although more frequent posts may be appropriate if there is a lot of content to share. Churches should also consider posting at different times of the day to reach a wider audience.
  • Instagram: You should try to post on Instagram at least three to four times per week. Consistency is key, so churches should aim to post at the same time each day or week to create a regular posting schedule.
  • Twitter: It is recommended to tweet at least three to five times per day to get a higher response rate. Since tweets have a shorter lifespan than other social media posts, it’s important to post frequently to stay visible in followers’ feeds. Keep in mind that tweets can be short quotes, prayers, or Scripture.
  • YouTube: It is recommended that churches post on YouTube at least once per week, although more frequent posts may be appropriate if there is a lot of content to share. Consistency is key, so churches should aim to post at the same time each week to create a regular posting schedule.
  • TikTok: It is recommended that churches post on TikTok at least once per day, although more frequent posts may be appropriate to stay visible in followers’ feeds. Since TikTok is a more fast-paced platform, churches should aim to create short, engaging videos that will capture followers’ attention.

The key takeaway is to create a schedule that works best for your church and stick to it! By posting regularly and sharing relevant content, churches can stay engaged with their community and build a stronger online presence.

Using Social Media Graphics for Your Church Profiles

Creating good graphics for social media posts for churches requires careful attention to design and content. Here are some tips for making eye-catching and effective graphics:

Keep it simple: Your graphic should have a clear focal point and be easy to read and understand. Avoid cluttering the graphic with too many elements or text.

  • Use high-quality images: Choose images that are high-quality and relevant to the content of the post. Avoid using low-quality or blurry images, as these can detract from the overall look of the graphic.
  • Use contrasting colors: Choose colors that contrast well with each other, as this will make the graphic more visually appealing and easier to read. Avoid using colors that clash or are too similar to each other.
  • Include your church’s branding: Use your church’s logo, colors, and other branding elements to create a consistent look across all of your social media graphics. This will help to build brand recognition and make your church more easily identifiable.
  • Include a call to action: Your graphic should include a clear call to action that encourages followers to engage with your church or take a specific action, such as attending a service or event.
  • Be mindful of text size and font: Choose a font that is easy to read and appropriate for the tone of the post. Use text size and font style to create emphasis where needed, but avoid using too many different fonts or making the text too small to read.

Now that you know what to focus on when creating graphics for your churchΓÇÖs social media, letΓÇÖs look at some ways you can do it easier! 

For an out-of-the-box solution, Shift Worship provides images and short videos for Instagram and Facebook. With customization, series collections, and annual access membership, Shift Worship equips your staff and volunteers to do even more with their creativity.

If you rely on staff members or volunteers to help with social posting, there are many tools available to help  you produce high quality content. Here are some popular options:

  1. Canva: Canva is a popular graphic design tool that offers a variety of templates, images, and design elements to help churches create custom graphics for their social media posts.
  2. Adobe Spark: Adobe Spark is a user-friendly design tool that offers a variety of templates, images, and fonts to help churches create professional-looking graphics for their social media accounts.
  3. PicMonkey: PicMonkey is a web-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, graphics, and editing tools to help churches create custom graphics for their social media accounts.
  4. Pablo: Pablo is a free online tool that allows churches to create simple graphics for social media posts. The tool offers a variety of templates and images, and allows users to add custom text and branding elements.
  5. Visme: Visme is a design tool that allows churches to create a variety of graphics, including infographics, social media posts, and presentations. The tool offers a variety of templates, images, and design elements to help churches create custom graphics for their social media accounts.

DonΓÇÖt be afraid to jump in and test different designs to see what your audience likes and responds to most! Be sure to include branding and action-oriented captions to increase engagement. 

Using Social Media to Engage Through Stories and Testimonials

One of the most influential ways to connect and inspire people is by sharing testimonies around how lives are changed through a relationship with Jesus Christ and involvement in the local church body. When people hear stories of how others have experienced growth within a community, it can help them to feel less alone in their own journey and create a sense of community and belonging. 

Personal faith stories can help to create a sense of vulnerability and authenticity that can foster deeper relationships within a community. When people share their struggles and how their faith has helped them overcome challenges, it can create a sense of empathy and understanding among others who may be going through similar experiences. This can help to break down barriers and create a more inclusive and supportive community. Social media can create a place for people to connect and show support to one another.

Sharing testimonies can also help to encourage others in their own spiritual journey. When people hear about the transformative power of faith in the lives of others, it can inspire and encourage them to explore their own beliefs and seek a deeper connection with God. A testimony can also be a powerful tool for inviting others to church on Sunday. Whether a first time visitor, or someone who has stopped attending, hearing a story of life change can be just what they need to to encourage them into taking the next step in their faith.

Keep Your Church Connected and Engaged

It is important for a church to stay engaged and connected  because social media has become a primary means of communication for people today. First, make sure your contact information is up to date on all your social media profiles and About Us Pages. Website, phone number, email address, physical address, and service times are all important items to include. 

Second, itΓÇÖs important to stay proactively engaged with your social media audience. If someone comments, respond or like their comment. If someone asks a question, try to reach back out within 24 hours. The beautiful thing about social media is that it provides an open door to encourage and interact with your congregation and potential visitors. By responding to engagement, you can foster a connection and deeper relationships among your members. 

Overall, engaging online in social media is important for a church because it allows for greater accessibility and inclusivity, helps to reach younger generations, and creates opportunities for deeper engagement and connection among members and followers.